Holy Family Children's Home: The Children of the Crèche

Thanks to the commitment and determination of our Patron, Kitty McGilly, Futures For Children is proud to support the work of The Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. Our donors have been supporting the Holy Family Children’s Home since 2006. In addition to financial support of this orphanage in the holy city of Bethlehem, Faith Journeys also organizes and leads spiritual pilgrimages and exposure trips to the Holy Land.

The little flower of Hope

A day ends, a new day begins,
From the bottom of the heart, the dream lifts our spirit,
Ô Palestine !  Keep hoping in humanity.

From the four corners of the world, prosperity and poverty,
Where man builds comfort, injustice and guilt,
Ô Palestine ! Keep hoping in humanity.

When heads stand up, ideas flourish,In the name of love, murmurs a soft voice,
« Let the children stand, let their desires explode,
So they express their will to exist »,
Ô Palestine ! Keep hoping in humanity.

Let hope flourish in the world without end,
Let wisdom and love embrace childhood,
From the little ones appear slivers of hope.
Ô Palestine ! Keep hoping in humanity.

Christmas is for sharing and reconciliation,
Let’s open our hearts,
So that a prayer called Hope,
Lights up, sings and dances…
Ô Palestine ! Keep hoping in humanity.

A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
The Children of the Crèche